15 09, 2019

Do Not Meddle With Them – Admonition 213

2019-09-16T05:12:00-06:00By |Admonition|


Deuteronomy 2:5



Deuteronomy 2:5 Do not meddle with them, for I will not give you any of their land, no, not so much as one footstep, because I have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession.


And now, Admonition brought to you by the Collierville Church of Christ.

Deuteronomy chapter two verse five, Moses is rehearsing the events of Israel, leaving their wandering in the wilderness and beginning to head towards the promised land, and notice what he says as they’re going through the land of their brethren, Esau. He says, Do not meddle with them. For I will not give you any of their land. No, not so much as one footstep. God is telling them, This doesn’t belong to you. Just because God said you’re my people. Just because God said, I’ve prepared a land for you. Just because God said I have an inheritance for you. Didn’t mean they could do whatever they wanted to. Respect what belongs to others. Respect what doesn’t belong to you. Don’t meddle in other’s affairs.

Details About Admonition

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Sign up for a daily devotional by Email: https://cozort.org/free
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Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

17 06, 2019

Are You A Faithful Servant? – Admonition 158

2019-06-23T21:20:09-06:00By |Admonition|


Genesis 39:5-6



Exodus 39:5-6 So it was, from the time that he had made him overseer of his house and all that he had, that the LORD blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the LORD was on all that he had in the house and in the field. Thus he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand, and he did not know what he had except for the bread which he ate. Now Joseph was handsome in form and appearance.


And now, Admonition, brought to you by the Collierville Church of Christ.

What does it mean to be a faithful servant? What does it mean to be a faithful employee? What does it mean to be the kind of person who can be trusted? We read concerning Joseph that he was one who was trusted by Potiphar, so that Potiphar did not even know what was in his own house because it was under the hand, under the care, under the oversight, of Joseph. Joseph was such a faithful servant that Potiphar knew, if it was in Joseph’s hands, it was in good hands and he didn’t have to worry about it. What kind of person are you? What kind of employee are you? What kind of servant are you? Are You a faithful servant?

For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org.

Details About Admonition

Subscribe to Admonition on Youtube:
Subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3syE1ogS5LPeEsnAfgnYrg?sub_confirmation=1
Sign up for a daily devotional by Email: https://cozort.org/free
Leave a comment for the host of Admonition: https://cozort.org/contact

Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

16 06, 2019

Love Them Equally – Admonition 157

2019-06-23T01:05:46-06:00By |Admonition|


Genesis 37:3-4


Genesis 37:3-4 – Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors. But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him.

And now, Admonition, brought to you by the Collierville Church of Christ.

Have you ever known parents that favor one child over another? And have you ever known that situation to turn out well in that family? We’ve got a number of examples in scripture of that happening and it never turns out well. As matter of fact, in Genesis chapter 37 we read, When his brothers, Joseph’s brothers, saw that their father loved Joseph more than all his brothers. They hated him and could not speak peaceably to him. Parents treat your children with love. Do not show partiality. Love all of them equally. Love them with the love of God and do what is right by your children.

For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org.

Details About Admonition

Subscribe to Admonition on Youtube:
Subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3syE1ogS5LPeEsnAfgnYrg?sub_confirmation=1
Sign up for a daily devotional by Email: https://cozort.org/free
Leave a comment for the host of Admonition: https://cozort.org/contact

Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

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